Mission Projects

We support the following Mission Projects:

Carol Culbertson, working with middle school and high school students in the Orlando and Jacksonville, FL area, bringing the message of God’s love and the story of Jesus into their lives.

Wycliffe Bible Translators:

Al & Susan Boush, semi-retired,  working in US to train with translators to bring the New Testament to Papau New Guinea, maritime Southeast Asia

Alex and Laura Crum working in Texas,Alex is a Solutions developer,  accelerating Bible translation using the technology God gave him for His glory.

A. Sjaan Waller working in the US translating the New Testament for the Guayaboro people of Columbia, South America, retired from Wycliffe, currently working as a volunteer to complete projects begun with her husband John, when they both were active missionaries with Wycliffe.

Grace Fellowship

Ken & Cathie Metz currently in the US, had started a church in Peru with a school for children, they are stateside due to Cathie’s diagnosis of Lou Gehrigs’ disease. Ken is caring for Cathie and looking for a home where they can live with handicapped adaptions.
